

The latest 8 month project is live on the web. In contrast with print work, however, websites are never really done.

I began working on the website last year and it has been an example of modern workflow and collaboration. Mountainsmith, a company based in Golden, Colorado is owned by a larger company from Missouri who’s CEO and the product design side of the business reside in Seattle, Washington. The design for the site was driven by a small firm in Utah and the actual development was completed by yours truly in Durango, Colorado. All possible in the age of email and Skype.

The site was developed using Magento for the e-commerce side of the house and WordPress for the Blog. It was my intro into using Magento (it used to be prohibitively expensive for the small to medium sized online retailer). After using WordPress plugins for the last couple of years to drive the e-commerce side of the websites I’ve been creating, it was certainly a change to jump into a system that focused entirely on e-commerce. It’s not the most intuitive and user friendly system and there are features buried  in the admin panel that will derail seemingly simple functionality, but overall it is a powerful e-commerce platform that offers far more sales and product customization than your typical WordPress plugin.

So check out the site and feel free to offer comments and feedback. [Click Here]

Mountainsmith Website

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